


“Summer is filled with Breaking Rules & Standing apart  

Ignoring your head and following your heart.”

The Summer Camp 2022, was organised by Navyug School, Vinay Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi in the form of various activities and extra classes, which began from 11th May and culminated on 3rd June. Fun filled activities for the anxious children during the summer, was a delightful treat. It gave them an opportunity to learn new skills. Students enthusiastically participated from classes I to XII, in different activities.

This Summer Camp aimed at keeping the students engaged & provided them an even platform to explore and express their creativity, in any form. They not only made memories while having fun but they were able to face their fears, try new things, pushed their boundaries and realized self-sufficiency. They were able to make new friends amidst lot of laughs & learnt team spirit.

“Every activity worth doing has a learning curve.”

The Camp provided some hands on experiences in the following areas:

  • Musical Instruments: Orchestra
  • Dance: Western & Indian Classical
  • Vocal: Indian & Western
  • Subject based : Hindi, English, Maths.
  • Reading & Learning in Library.
  • PT / Yoga
  • Art & Craft

The exuberant learners zealously participated & showcased their diligence towards each planned activity of their choice. The essence of this camp was to develop a sound character of each student & ultimately the motto was achieved. This Summer Camp was earnestly appreciated not only by the participants but also by their parents. The overwhelming acknowledgement through their reviews and feedbacks was a motivating factor for the entire NSVM family.